Last updated: 20.06

This site is dedicated to regroup all information concerning Corona and its impact on secondary and higher education. This site will be updated each day. If you have information or initiatives which are not listed yet on this site then please write us via FB or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Call! UNEL calls on pupils from the terminal classes to  make their own choice  and if they have concerns to stay at home the week of the 04-08 of May. The teachers' union  SEW/OGBL calls upon teachers  NOT to SANCTION pupils if they are not physically present during classes Common Press Release 04.05


NEWS! Here is a common press release from the national educational stakeholders demanding that it is not mandatory for terminal classes to be physically present at school and raising other important questions from the 28.04 Common Press Release Educational Stakeholders


NEWS! Here is a position paper  from UNEL and the teachers' union  SEW/OGBL from the 24.04 Position Paper UNEL & SEW/OGBL 


IMPORTANT!! There was a DEADLINE on the 24.03 at 24h, whereas EVERY student in health fields or people working in health care (exceptions are listed) MUST had registered at the ministry's website. In case you have not done this yet, please register ASAP. The ministry is trying to list people who can be activated, if needed, during the sanitary crisis. The website: Registration Gov Jobs



Secondary Education:


General Information: (There are News 20.06)

!!! SCHOOLS WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 10.05!!! 1ière, 13ième & BTS terminale start on

the 04.05 !!! This also applies to BTS terminale internships

This was announced on the 16.04


  • On the 19.06 Minister Meisch hold a Pressconference to announce more Deconfinements measures. Classes which were spilt into A & B classes will now be reunited at secondary and primary level before the start of the summer vacation. In addition, groups of 5 will be formed with teachers and pupils and each week one person of the group will be contacted and asked to get him/herself tested.
  • Progressive opening of schools 1ière, 13ième and BTS terminale start on the 04.05. The secondary education (all other classes including BTS classes) 11.05, then primary schools an then Kindergardens
  • On the 16.04 Minister Meisch has announced at a press conference, that the classes will be divided into 2 groups, 1 week a group is physically present at school whereas the other group stays at home to practice the content of the classes (Homeschooling). Each week the groups are alternating 
  • Pupils and teachers at risk WILL STAY AT HOME as a measure of precaution. The courses should be live streamed so every person has access to the courses
  • Hygiene: The wearing of MASKS/BUFF will be MANDATORY to get to school from home (on the public transportation & getting inside the classroom) BUT will NOT BE MANDATORY to wear during class. Pupils can of course wear a mask if they want to. The ministry will provide 2 masks for each pupil and teacher before the beginning of the school. Pupils should disinfect their hands on an hourly base. The different groups SHOULD NOT MIX!! Pupils should stay with their group. Hence, CANTEENS WILL BE CLOSED!! The pupils circulation at school will also be regulated. A BREAK will be possible but not everyone will have it at the same time. Pupils are allowed to go outside 
  • In case pupils or teachers would have Corona symptoms, they and their close environment will be tested and depending on the result will be put under quarantine. There are no intentions to put entire classes under quarantine
  • The calendar for exams and tests stays the same
  • On the 15.04 the Prime Minister Bettel announced that secondary schools will be re-opened on the 11.05, students would be divided into groups, whereas, one group would be home schooled when the other will be at school, then the groups would be alternated. 1ière, 13ième and BTS terminale already start on the 04.05 (10min) Press conference Bettel
  • On the 02.04 minister Meisch presented new details about the future proceedings and measures for the upcoming weeks at a press conference.  The press conference can be found here: Press conference Meisch and the ministry has also created a document:  Document Update Schools 02.04
  • Schools stay closed until the 04.05  there will be a re-evaluation of the situation depending on the circumstances. Nonetheless, the school year will be continued and the focus will be on the most essential content. It could be that it will not be possible to treat every subject in its entirety and it will be made sure that nobody should be in a disadvantaged position for the new school start 2021
  • The School structure will be changed and trimester will be changed to semesters: 1st trimester --> 1st Semester and 2nd-3rd trimester --> 2nd semester. The first semester will count for 50%, the second (2nd-3rd trimester) also for 50% of the annual grade 
  • Tests(except terminal classes): 
    • Language courses, Mathematics &  courses for specialisation:
      • Formative Evaluation : Tests can be conducted but only for feedback 
      • Certificative Evaluation : When pupils are back at school, tests which count for the annual grade will then be conducted 
    • Other courses: Extra projects/Home-work will be send to pupils during the homeschooling period and they can get evaluated after a meeting between pupil and professor during the second week of school (not homeschooling). From 7ième-2ième, pupils can decide that their worst grade from the 2nd semester (2nd-3rd trimester) will not be considered for their annual grade, this should enable every pupil to access the section and specialisation of their choice. 
  • Tutoring (Nohëllef): More hours will be enabled for tutoring lessons, e.g the lessons which are normally reserved for retakes will be accessible to more students who would like to revise certain courses. From the 06.04 on, the hotline: 8002 9090 can also be called for tutoring lessons via phone.  After Easter holiday the CePAS will try to contact all the students, who face problems with home schooling, who due to familiar reasons cannot entirely take part etc., and contact their families to provide support. This should enable a regular participation to homeschooling for pupils. In some cases, a schooling at the school will be considered if no other option is available. Pupils and their family which are normally supervised through a competence center will also be contacted to guarantee the provision of services. 
  • At the moment there is no intention to reduce the summer holiday days
    • There is a website from the Ministry where you can find information: schouldoheem.lu  (Challenges for pupils are also communicated via this site), the most asked questions can be found here: Q&A Ministry and there is also a hotline which one can call in case of further questions: 8002 9090 every day from 8h-16h and on the weekends from 9h-12h and from 13-16h. There is also a contact form in case you cannot reach them (scroll down completely on their site): Contact Form Helpline
      IMPORTANT!! It is an extreme situation for a lot of people, in case you feel that the e-learning, the isolation from friends or loved ones and always staying at home is getting too much for you and you need help or someone to talk to, then call the ministry's  hotline: 8002 90 90 there you find professional personnel from CePAS every day from 8-16h and weekends from 9-12h & 13h-16h who are able to comfort you. Other hotlines are Kannerjugendtelefon 116 111 or through written form via Online Form KJT. The SOSDétresse 45 45 45 is reachable every day from 11-23h and Friday and Saturday throughout the night until 3h. More Info: SOS Détresse. For parents there is the Elterentelefon 26 56 05 55. There is also a document published by CePAS including useful tips during these days: CePAS Tips In case one needs to leave home the Péitrusshaus is also available for finding shelter and can be reached via this number: 8002 6002 Since the 01.04 there is also psychological help available 7/7 from 7h-23h on the Corona Helpline: 8002 8080, from abroad you can call: +352 4977 1 9200 Since the 07.04 there is a website from the ministry specifically for psychological help: Covid19psy.lu
  • This is not a holiday: In case pupils are not answering or are not reachable without valuable reasons, then this is considered as being absent at schools and will have consequences. Pupils should regularly check their e-mails and also the online platforms. They should also do preparatory assignments and keep studying because tests will be taken after schools are re-opened. Here one can also find material: www.multi-script.lu 
  • If you do not have access to digital material, please contact your school secretariat which will put effort to find a common solution
  • With further problems you can contact your school (from 8h-18h there should be someone available via phone) and/or the School council. A list with the national councils and contact information can be found on this list, in case your school council is not on the list please update it or write us so we will update it: List School Councils
  • Minister Meisch's first assessment of the homeschooling situation from the 26.03Minister Meisch Homeschooling and the youtube message addressed to 1ière pupils 17.03Youtue Minister News


  • To stay fit at home, since the 03.04 the ministry has a website: Active@Home and some sports teachers from different schools are offering initiatives e.g Aline Mayrisch (exercises are published on the app) or Lycée Belval. There are also some exercises at the LASEP site: LASEP Exercises
  • For teachers, there is a site which uploads different teaching material for all classes. In the following days, more material will be uploaded. The site can be found here: Teaching Material ZpB another initiative for kids has been started by the SNJ and can be found here: Children at Home in addition there is material by mimamu for music and theater material: Material Music + Theater material


For 1ère: 

Protest! UNEL calls on pupils from the terminal classes to  make their own choice  and if they have concerns to stay at home the week of the 04-08 of May. The Teacher's union  SEW/OGBL calls upon teachers  NOT to SANCTION pupils if they are not physically present during classes Common Press Release 04.05


!!!1ière pupils have school from the 04.05 on !!!
  • The Youtube message from Minister Meisch 17.04 can be found here: Info Minister Meisch
  • The most asked questions and answers can be found here: Q&A 1ière
  • There will be normal classes before the 1ière exam, teachers will hold a class for one part of the class and then one hour later for the other
  • The dates for the 1ière exams REMAIN and they will start on the 25.05. It is a priority for the ministry to ENSURE that the date to receive the diploma REMAINS the same as usual to avoid difficulties with university applications (even if there are European wide discussions to postponed the deadlines). In case schools remain closed until the beginning of the exams, then the exams will BE WRITTEN AT SCHOOLS (of course respecting the sanitary guidelines)
  • Exams: Tests can be conducted from week 11.05 on and optional tests can be conducted until the 18.05. A new exam questionnaire will be devised for the 1ère exam where just material will be asked which was treated before the school closure on the 13.03. Meaning 3/4 of the courses will be asked, on the 03.04 pupils should have received an e-mail with a link to the new guidelines on the exams and the material which can be found here: Material 1ère Exam The information need to be filled out, the password is the IAM number and then one should click on the red link. Schools and professors will be asked to ensure that all students treated the same topics and have a fair chance to receive a diploma. 
  • Hygiene: During exams sanitary regulations must be respected!! Hence, it can be that exams will be conducted in sport halls or other infrastructures
  • Annual Grade: 
    • 1) Option: Average from the 1st semester as the annual grade vum 1 Semester
    • 2) Option: Average from the 1st and the 2nd semester as the annual grade and then extra tests in order to imporve the grade in different courses (they are not mandatory)  Moyenne vum 1 an 2 Semester huelen als Joresmoyenne an dann kann een extra Epreuven maachen fir Noten ze verbesseren an verschiddenen Fächer
  • The received marks which were collected throughout the year should not be used in an unfavourable way, in order not to impact the future of the pupils
  • Support for studies: after the exams the pupils can ask, if needed, for support to revise certain courses as a preparation for their university 
  • There is a FB Group which was newly founded where students show solidarity and offer lessons for 1ère pupils. Here is the group: Studenten hellëfen Primaner and here is the link were pupils can register: Registration Pupils Lessons and also some contact info for pupils in case you have questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • There is an initiative from a philosophy professor who publishes a podcast on the LTE Channel for pupils to better understand the philosophy lessons. The channel is called Wat der Däiwel and the Luxembourgish podcasts can be found on the soundcloud: Wat Der Däiwel - Philo Podcast 1ère


Formation Professionnelle: (Update)

!!!13ième & BTS terminal pupils have school and internships from the 04.05 on!!!

Other classes from the 11.05 on


UNEL is in contact with the ministry and the moment we have further news, we will publish it here!

  • The ministry updates its website on a daily base and you can also find information on the Formation Professionnelle: Information Form. Prof. more online material will be shortly updated
  • The Promotion will be possible this year according to the ministry
  • Trainees can also profit from partial-unemployment and more information can be found here: Information partial-unemployment
  • INTERNSHIPS: EVERY internship and traineeship in the context of the Formation Professionnelle is cancelled in highschool as well as in the concerned companies/business. Pupils which are not in their final year of studies are exempted from all their internships which are conducted right now or planned for the school year 2019/20. Pupils which are in their final year, are exempted from these modules which are impossible to grade
  • MODULES: There will be flexibility regarding the grading of the modules. In the case of a material impossibility to grade certain modules, they can be graded next semester. Trainees are exempted from employer modules (patronat) meaning they are automatically passed 
  • FINAL AND INTERMEDIATE PROJECTS: The time frame for these projects will be adapted and the content will only be based on material which was treated by the end f the 1st semester of the school year 2019/20. The commissioners who grade the final projects, which were organised through modules throughout the year, will communicate the modalities to the concerned highschools 
  • TRAINEE CONTRACT: Deadline for the trainee contract which originally was on the 31st of October is postpones. The exact date is not yet known 
  • BREVET DE MAÎTRISE: The courses and exams will be postponed to a later date
  • The activities surrounding the employer (patronat) formations at the CNFPC are cancelled throughout the time of the crisis 
  • All professional Meetings (preliminary, curricular or others) are cancelled until new directives are published


Higher Education:


General Information: 


IMPORTANT! Since the 10.04, Germany has introduced a mandatory quarantine of 2 weeks for people who cross the borders. At the moment, this also applied to students who would need to cross the border to write exams at their university. Since the 08.04, travels to France require a document, this document needs to be filled out when crossing the borders. This also applies to students who would need to return to their university for exams. The document's title is International travel to metropolitane France: Travel Document France
  • Students who have a CDD can during the crisis work 40h per week. This was announced at a press conference on the 27.03 by minister Kersch, it can be found here (9:48 min):Info Minister Kersch
  • There is a website from the ministry where one can find information and contact details: MESR Information
  • The CEDIES desk is closed since the 16.03 and one cannot personally hand-in the documents 
    IMPORTANT! Deadline to submit documents for the financial aid (aide financiaire) REMAINS on the 30.04. The ministry asks to send in your file AS SOON AS POSSIBLE even if some documents are missing for it to be complete (just motivate the missing documents). The ministry suggests to EXCEPTIONALLY send it in via e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to fill it in through My Guichet: My Guichet in order to guarantee that your documents are treated. For further questions please write to the e-mail address.  
  • For problems arising through Corona e.g that the necessary ECTS amount was not reached or other, will be considered and the criteria for the CEDIES financial aid will be adapted
  • For any other question e.g homologation of the diploma, there are e-mail addresses and phone numbers which one can find here: MESR Informatioun
  • There is a FB Group which was newly founded where students show solidarity and offer lessons for 1ère pupils. Here is the group: Studenten hellëfen Primaner and here is the link were you as a student can register: Registration University Students Help Out and also some contact info in case you do not have FB: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    IMPORTANT!! It is an extreme situation for a lot of people, in case you feel that the e-learning, the isolation from friends or loved ones and always staying at home is getting too much for you and/or you need help or simply someone to talk to, then call the ministry's  hotline: 8002 90 90 reachable every day from 8-16h and weekends from 9-12h & 13h-16h.  Other numbers are, SOSDétresse 45 45 45 which is reachable from 11h-23h and on weekends, even until 3 a.m and you can also call the University Hotline: 46 66 44 6060 or the official Corona Hotline: 8002 80 80 Since the 07.04 there is a website from the ministry specifically for psychological help: Covid19psy.lu


University of Luxembourg: (There are News)

!!! THE UNIVERSITY WILL BE CLOSED THIS SEMESTER !!! This was announced on the 10.04

!!! Travaux Pratiques can be hold at the university from the 04.05 on!!! This was announced on the 15.04

  • The University of Luxembourg will be closed THE ENTIRE SEMESTER AND WILL NOT RE-OPEN, it is closed since 13.03 and since the 16.03 the campus is abandoned except fr people who guarantee its essential functioning (No SEVE people are on campus!) 
  • The University has also an information page where contact details are listed: University of Luxembourg Corona Info and since the 19.03 the university has introduced a hotline where one can ask further questions: 46 66 44 6060
    IMPORTANT! The University offers students (Bachelor, Master & PhD who are not employed by the university) to  defer the  payment of their rent from March until June and to pay it back after the crisis, from September 2020 on. Two forms need to be filled out which can be found here: Uni Rent Deferral Information In addition, students in a precarious situation facing severe financial problems, can apply for the University Harship Fund which one does not need to pay backThe form can be found here: Form Hardship Fund and if you have questions here are the contact details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Semester: The semester officially ends on the 4th of SEPTEMBER and an updated agenda will be send by the different program directors. Until the 4th of September courses and exams can take place 
  • Exams: All exams are conducted online, exceptions only in very specific cases. Every Program Director will adapt and communicate the format of the exams. It can be that certain exams can be held AFTER the 5th of July. In case one fails the exam it will not be accounted for the maximum amount of attempts each student has. Exam retakes can exceptionally be held during the semester, the program director decided if this is possible. The necessary course requirements to pass a course are still in place, if the requirements are not reached, no ECTS are gained 
  • Internships: All Every internship which could not be conducted will be replaced by an alternative work which will be communicated by the Program Director. This also applied for mandatory internships for study programs which should have been conducted until the 31.08. 
  • Passing the Year + Graduation: Graduation diplomas will be issued on time. The 50% rule, which dictates that in order to pass the first year, at least 30 ECTS need to be accumulated is not applicable for this semester. Instead it will be applied during the Winter Semester 20/21, hence, 30 ECTS need to be accumulated after the 3 semester to pass the first year for full time students. The summer semester 19/20 will not be used to calculate the maximum study period for students
  • Attendance: Students need to attend compulsory courses online. In case professors are ill, then students can get an exemption ABS-J ABS-J (absence justifiée/justified exemption)
  • The Ministry offers students studying educational science (bachelor en sciences de l'éducation) a contract until the end of the school year to guarantee the planned tutoring lessons 
  • Everyone who lives in student housing or residences provided by the university, should, if possible, live with their family/parents to minimise the risk of spreading the virus in accommodation facilities
  • For research: One should use as much as possible this site a-z.lu, in case the data bases are not accessible as one is not connected via the university network, please contact your professors 


  • Students which are doing their mobility semester in Luxembourg and who would like to return to their home countries should URGENTLY contact their embassy!!! It was announced that all passenger aviation would be STOPPED on MONDAY 23.03 
  • Students which are abroad and would still like to return to Luxembourg please contact the Luxembourgish embassy AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The students who would like to stay in their study city can contact the national student unions in their country. A list can be found here: Contact Information ESU Organisation  in case your country is not listed please contact us via: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. we will then contact our international partners. 
  • Every Erasmus student in Luxembourg will be supported and has the right to access online material and to participate during the E-lessons 
  • Students can stop there mobility semester by using the force majeure clause in their contracts. In case you want to stop your mobility semester or cannot start it, the University of Luxembourg EXEMPTS you from the normally mandatory  mobility semester! 
  • The University works on different options so the missing ECTS can be earned
  • The survey by ESN Erasmus Corona Survey was closed on the 30.03, after 20 000 answers. We will update you the moment we have news and how your answers will shape EU measures and the EU Commissions position 
IMPORTANT: UNEL, being member of the European Students' Union, had the opportunity to participate in a Webinar on Erasmus organised by ESU and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). The European Commission was also present and could directly answer to the posed questions. Here you can find and download a summary of the most relevant questions which can be really helpful for Erasmus students:  Document Q&A Erasmus