D'UNEL huet sech 2015 nei Statute ginn, déi verschidden Ännerungen an sengem Funktionnement mat sech bruecht hunn.
Ënnert anerem gin elo d'Themen op deenen d'UNEL am Joer schaffen wëllt elo duerch Aarbechtsgruppen (AGen) beschafft. Duerch des AGen-Struktur soll d'UNEL méi oppen, fir dat jiddereen*t op eenzelnen Themen matschaffen kann.
Außerdem leeft quasi déi ganz Aarbecht digital oof, d.h. deng Präsenz zu Lëtzebuerg ass also net néideg.
Wann s du interesséiert bass bei enger oder méi Aarbechtsgruppen matzeschaffen, dann kanns du dech bei eis mellen iwwert Facebook oder E-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Mir freeën eis op dech!
The UNEL altered its statutes in 2015, causing structural and functional changes within its organisation. One of these was the creation of Working Groups (WG's) related to the different topics treated by UNEL. This Working Group structure opens up our work, making it easier for everybody to get involved in the specific areas they are interested in.
Most of the work takes place on digital platforms, which means that you don't need to be present in Luxembourg to contribute and be part of the WG's.
If you are interested in one or more Working Groups and want to get involved feel free to contact us on Facebook or via E-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
We're excited to hear from you!
1) Heichschoulpolitik
Des Aarbechtsgrupp këmmert sech ëm all déi Dossier'en déi eppes mat Student*innen, Uni'en an Héichschoulen ze dinn hunn. Du kanns dech z.B. fier en méi gerechten Boursensystem asetzen oder fier en besser uni.lu!
Den Suivi vun der Boursenreform (6670) bleiwt d'Haaptthema. Och wa mir nach emmer keng richteg Statistiken zu der néier Bourse hunn mussen mer Positioun bezéien. Dowéinst stinn vill Entrevuen an Gespréicher mat de verschiddensten Orgaen (Parteien, Ministère, Gewerkschaften etc.) dozou un.
Ausserdem wärt mer eis dest Joer eis méi em d'Uni.lu kemmeren. Representatioun vun den Student*innen, Student*innenlokal a Student*innenwunnengen héi wichteg.
Higher education policies
This Work Group focuses on topics which concern students, universities and colleges. You can get involved in the fight for a better student loan system or a better Uni.lu.
The outcomes of the student loan reform (6670) will continue to be a main focus. Despite struggling to find accurate statistics concerning the impact of the reform, we have to take position on this matter. This is why we will be meeting with many different partners and stakeholders (such as political parties, the ministry, labour unions etc.) in the upcoming months.
This year, we also plan to focus more on Uni.lu. Student representation in the administration of the university as well as student spaces and student housing are in our opinion important matters which need to be addressed.
2) Bildungspolitik
D'UNEL vertrett net nemmen d'Interessen vun den Student*innen, mee och déi vun den Schüler*innen.
Wichteg sinn eis och d'Rechter a Pflichten vun de Schüler*innen. Des sinn awer bis elo nach néierens offiziell festgehal - mir wärten dat änneren!
Desen AG as außerdem punktuell mat de Schüler*innen vun der CNEL (Conférence Nationale des Elèves du Luxembourg), mat den Proffekomitéen oder Proffegewerkschaften wéi och mam Ministère de l'Education Nationale (MENJ) an Kontakt.
Wann s du dech also fir den Bildungssystem oder fier Schüler*innenrechter interesséiers, an wëlls dass sech eppes zum Besseren verännert, da bass de an dëser Aarbechtsgrupp (AG) genau richteg!
Secondary Education Policy
UNEL does not only represent students' interests at university level but also in secondary education and vocational school.
School students' rights and responsibilities are a really important subject. However, they have never been clearly defined or written down - we would like to change that!
This Working Group also collaborates with the CNEL (the National School Students Conference -which unites representatives from every secondary school student council in Luxembourg), with Professors' Committees, Unions and with the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENJ).
So if you are interested in our educational system or school students' rights and you would like to get involved and make an impact, this Working Group is for you!
3) Internationales
An dësem Aarbechtsgrupp geet et drëms international Kontakter oprecht ze erhalen/opzehuelen mat Studeierendenvertriedungen aus anere Länner.
Et gëtt regelméisseg Meeting'en vun der ESU (europäesch Student*innenvertriedung) oder der OBESSU (europäesch Schüler*innenvertriedung),bei deenen d'UNEL Member ass, des Treffe fannenop de verschiddenste Platzen an ganz Europa statt.
Wann's du also gäre rees, nei Leit aus ganz Europa kenneléiere wëlls an dech fir europäesch Dossieren, wei beispillsweis dem Bologna Prozess (Bachelor/Master System), Education and Training 2020 oder Erasmus+ interesséiers an dozou bäisteieren wëlls, dann ass dat de richtegen Aarbechtsgrupp fir dech
This Working Group aims to keep in touch with school student and university student unions from different countries and to create new contact networks.
UNEL is a member organisation of both ESU (European Student Union) and OBESSU (Umbrella Organisation of European School Student Unions), and we regularly attend conferences that these organisations host. These meetings take place at different locations spread all across Europe.
If you like to travel, want to meet new people from Europe and if you are interested in working on European topics, such as the Bologna Process (Bachelor/Master System), "Education and Training 2020" or Erasmus+, this Working Group is your place to be.
4) Gender
Am Aabeschtsgrupp "Gender" kanns du mat Stellung geint Diskriminatioun an fir méi Glaichberechtegung an Genderfroen bezéien. Du hells Kontakt mat Organisatiounen um Terrain op, an hellefs verschidden Projeen oder Kampagnen zu aktuellen Themen op d Been ze stellen z.B. géint Alldags-Sexismus an den Schoulen an Unien.
Egal op wéiengem Deel vum Spektrum: wann s du dech fir sozial Gläichberechtegung an Toleranz ansetzen wells, an Interessi dorun hues, jidderengem d'Gläichstellung am Alldag méi liicht ze maachen, da bass du an deser AG genee richteg!
Equality and gender questions: In this Workgroup, you can give your inputs on current discussions, projects and social developments, build connections to institutions in the field and organise a sexism awareness campaign.
No matter where you fall on the spectrum: if you are interested in social equality, tolerance and making everyone's life more equal and easy, then this group is just right for you!